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Inquire / Investigate / Incorporate


Interactive learning spaces that enhance the urban fabric pose the next logical step for programmatic insertion into Lincoln Heights. This new institution for high school students is conceived as an introversion of programmatic hierarchy that provides opportunities for scholars to escape, focus, and learn on a private and communal level. A loop becomes reinvented to interlock learning spaces with a shelter for students to hone their skills as an intellectual and leader. Adapting Le Corbusier’s Domino frees the school from the ground connecting the street entrance with a central plaza to recreational fields. Datums control height variations throughout the loop to gradient generic floor plates an organic skin behaving like a tree that wraps the loop and penetrates the project to produce openings for operable glazing and natural ventilation. A re-imagined loop reconditions the landscape of

Lincoln Heights and insets a new learning ecology as an interactive and hierarchical educator into a neighborhood needing an academic revival.


architect + design

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